Guidingthrough theDesign Process
Ready to delve into the details of design process? Let's take a casual stroll through the process together. No frills, just a straightforward exploration of how we’ll bring your vision to life.
First thing first
Connecting with you and your business's core:
A Deep Dive into Understanding
I'm genuinely here to help you, so at this stage, I'm putting the design aspect on hold and focusing on listening. Spend the most time to connect and Understand You Better - your Needs, Values, and Mission.
Not every time figuring out a business's problem and the right solution is evident to the client. That's where I come in, helping you identify the real issues and work toward solutions.
The essence lies in effectively combining strategy and design — neither truly works without the other. Both are essential formeaningful impact!

Gather, Analyze, Visualize, Implement, Deliver.
After agreeing that building/redesigning a visual identity will help you achieve your goals, my focus is on guiding you through the strategic branding process, culminating in a visual identity that aligns with your vision.
At the beginning of the creation process, your role is pivotal. We're a team from the Get-Go, and I'm here to help you create an Effective Brief. Together, we'll explore your business's values and goals through thoughtful questions, ensuring we build the foundation for an identity that truly represents you.
I'll also encourage you to share A Mood board; a visualsnapshot of your style and design preferences. It's our way of aligning visions before diving into the creative process. Your input is essential, ensuring we're both in sync.
The Design Process
Connecting and Understanding
Gather, Analyze, Visualize
The Creative Aspect
Once we've got the scoop on your brand's essence, I kick off my design process. From Clarifying Details to Word Mapping, Rapid Prototyping, Defining Ideas, Design Execution, and finally, presenting the final outcome. During the entire process, I'll keep you updated, however, for these phases, you'll be completely free from any commitments until the final results are ready.
Clarifying Details - Before beginning a Word Mapping process, I perform an extensive study based on the prior info I will receive from you.
Word Mapping - In its simplest form, it is a way of associating words with other words related to our already defined brief. Doing this helps me see a much bigger picture, translating into more possibilities. This process produces a picture and gets my mind thinking about the creative possibilities rather than the obvious solutions, like a design for a coffee shop having the logo as a coffee cup.
Rapid Prototyping - This is an idea generator, a way of changing words and thoughts into loose concepts. This process allows me to quickly and effectively figure out viable directions for the design and allows me to see what is and isn't worth exploring.
Defining And Redefining Ideas - After conducting Word Mapping and Rapid Prototyping, I meticulously consider the options before settling on the most promising idea to develop further, ultimately culminating in the comprehensive preparation of an informative presentation.
Design Execution - After pinpointing the most suitable concept to pursue, I immerse myself in the process of crafting the design/s, utilizing the necessary tools and programs to bring the vision to life.
Presenting The Final Outcome - Presenting the final product showcases the design concept in real-world scenarios relevant to your needs. I typically deliver results via a PDF presentation, including the designs and explanations of the design process and its meaning.
There's always room for flexibility when it comes to the process of how we work together. As I’ve mentioned before, we’re a team, and we’ll find the approach that works best for both of us.
The purpose of this approach is to ensure that this process is not only helpful and productive but also enjoyable for us!
the One Concept Approach
Curious about the One Concept Approach and why it is my go-to?
This is an opportunity to acquaint you with my One Concept Approach; A method you're bound to find practical and effective!